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Showing posts from May, 2009


I took tons of photos of my daughter yesterday. She is such a good sport. She is my only daughter so I constantly take photos of her. Here are some of the pictures. Yes, I know the headband thing looks kind of weird. My husband keeps telling me over and over. Oh well, she is beautiful no matter what to me. I was going for a seventies vibe anyway. lol

Spring pictures

Finally, I get around to putting these on here. These are some photos I took awhile ago, just been too busy to post them.

iheartfaces/ Week 19

This week over at the theme is your favorite up close shot. This is one of my favorite pictures of my son, Logan. I love his expression and his eyes. I hope you like it! Head on over to to check out the other entries. "I am submitting this photo into the Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Faces web sites."

The twins are almost 2!! And my son is almost 8!

So, on the 23rd, the twins will be 2 and my son, Mckenzie, will be 8. Yes, that is right, I have 3 birthdays all on the same day! Where has time gone? And why do I still have "baby weight" after 2 years?? I just can't believe how the kids are growing so fast! My daughter will be 12 in July. A teenager next year! Whoa!! My kids get tired of me snapping pictures of them constantly, but I tell them they will be so happy to look back at those pictures one day and remember when they were younger. I really need to start taking more pictures of myself with my kids! That is my new goal! I have a tripod and a remote, so I should be able to manage it! Life goes by so fast and I want to catch all the memories I can!

iheartfaces - Week 18

This week's theme over at is laughter. I think this is an exciting theme and I have a gret photo of my daughter for this one. This photo was taken on the beach down the road from my house. I think my daughter looks exuberant, braces and all! Anyhow, head on over to to check out the other entries! BTW, I used Pioneer Woman's actions to edit this photo. I used Boost, Seventies, and slight sharpen. Thanks Pioneer Woman!


Well, we decided to go camping this weekend. We were a little skeptical whether or not to go because of the twins. We thought it over and decided to go somewhere close just in case. When we got to the campsite, everything was great. We took the twins walking around and to play at the playground. We were really trying hard to tire them out so they would go to sleep at night. They usually go to bed around 6PM everynight. Even though we tired them out, they were still up and running around at 8. We all laid down in the tent and we decided to play like we were sleeping and let them run around and they would eventually fall asleep. Well, Emerson went to sleep almost immediately, but Logan just kep running around kissing everyone and hugging them. My daughter and I were trying so hard not to laugh. It was so cute and sweet. At 9:00, Logan was still awake and I had to go use the restroom. My daughter and I left the tent and Logan stayed with his dad. Coral and I decided to stay in the car whe...

Komaki Park

I found this great park today. I kind of knew where it was but thanks to my great sense of direction I found it. ha ha Here are some pictures.

iheartfaces/ Week 17

This week's contest over at involves a face and a hat somewhere in the frame. I choose this gorgeous picture of my son Logan for this contest. Head on over and check out the other entries!