I am so excited. I decided to enroll in a photography course through New York Institute of Photography. I just completed my first photo project and I am very excited about the course. I am still taking classes to finish my degree in Information Systems Management, but I am more interested in photography. I have already learned so much from online groups as well as the course. These are the pictures I submitted. I had to use manual settings to show motion, a large aperture to show a sharp subject and blurred background, and a small aperture to have everything in focus. 

The weather is great today so we are planning to go to the park when the twins wake up from their nap. I am really excited about the cherry blossoms about to bloom. Next weekend we will be going to the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival. It is beautiful there and I will be sure to get many pictures. My best friend's family is going with us, so I am very excited. They are leaving to move back to the States in about two weeks. I will miss them. I had the pleasure of watching their children during the fall and about two months this year. I will miss them terribly. Kayla has been such a great friend to me. When we had a house fire in September of last year and my husband was deployed, Kayla and her family took myself and my four kids into their home for about a week. She had no reservations about doing so and helped me so much with the kids. It is so hard sometimes making friends in the military because one of you always moves away. I really do have faith that I will see her again. After all, you never know where you will go next in the military.
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