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i♥faces / we♥kisses challenge

This week over at i♥faces it is we♥kisses week; I was so excited because I knew exactly which photograph I would use.

I took the twins to the park one day last summer and I told my son to kiss his brother, of course never thinking he would actually listen to me.  LOL  I was very surprised when he actually did it and I was fortunate enough to catch it!  This is one of my favorite photos I have of my sons and I will cherish it forever.  I also love that Dexter, the bear, is right there with them on the bench.

Head on over to

and check out the other entries.

Teresa Hart Photography


  1. How precious it this. Great photo!

  2. Too cute. I just love it! I have twins too and love those special moments

  3. Oh my gosh! That is so sweet! They are precious as can be! : ) What beautiful children!

  4. I remember this shot! Beautiful work, T :)

  5. Oh MY, I totally LOVE this! It is seriously beautiful!

  6. I like this photo and the processing is just amazing! Love your blog too, it reminds me of House of 3. Which, I love! I wish I also could photograph more newborns! GREAT JOB sweets!


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